High School Band is a year-long class. Students will learn sight reading, rhythm and instrumental skills through the use of performance based standards. The music department cultivates a strong and supportive family like atmosphere. We are proud to be a “safe place” for many of our students. The Southwestern Music Department is a WSMA Accredited Music School for the second year in a row!
Students have opportunities to participate in:
- Marching Band, Pep Band, and Jazz Band
- SWAL Honors Band
- SWAL Honors Choir
- Tri-State Honors Band
- Dorian Band
- Dorian Choir
- HS Solo and Ensemble
- Music Trip
The Music Department tries to take a large trip every four years, with smaller trips every year. We also take mini trips to see musicals and concerts throughout the year.
- K-5 Music/6-12 Band Teacher
- K-5 Music/6-12 Choir Teacher